Escaping Temptation
- Week 1: Escaping The Temptation of Lust
I Love My Church
- Week 1: Who is the Church
- Week 2: My Church Is A Place To Make A Difference
- Week 3: My Church is a Family
- Week 4: My Church is the Hope of the World
Christmas Carols
- Week 1: Go Tell It On The Mountain
- Week 2: Oh Little Town Of Bethlehem
- Week 3: Hark The Harold Angel Sing
- Week 4: I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day
The Greatest stories ever told
- Week 1: The Greatest Stories about Gods Kingdom
- Week 2: The Greatest Stories About God's Love
- Week 3: The Greatest Stories About Radical Compassion
- Week 4: Great Stories About Unconditional Forgiveness
- Week 5: Great Stories About Prayer
- Week 6: Great Stories About Money And Possessions
- Week 7: Great Stories About Wise Living
- Week 8: Great Stories About Eternal Living
back On Track
- Week 1: Getting Started Right
- Week 2: Taking God To Work
- Week 3: My Night Ending It With God
Jesus Is
- Week 1: Jesus Is
Jesus I Am
- Week 1: I Am The Bread And The Light
- Week 2: The Gate and The Shepherd
- Week 3: I Am The Resurrection And The Way
- Week 4: I Am The Vine
Are You Listening
- Week 1: God Wants To Talk To You
- Week 2: How God Talks To You
- Week 3: How To Get Guidance From God
- Week 4: How To Recognize God's Voice
Character Building and Service
- Week 1: Rethinking Your Marriage Relationship
- Week 2: Making Hard Changes in Me
- Week 3: Learning To See
- Week 4: How God Tests Your Faith
- Week 5: Building Character at Work
- Week 6: God's Wake Up Call
- Week 7: Dealing with Drifting
Shaped For Significance
- Week 1: God Made Me Unique
- Week 2: Discovering My Spiritual Gifts
- Week 3: Living Your Hearts Desire
- Week 4: Activate Your Abilities
- Week 5: You've Got Personality
- week 6: Making The Most Of My Experiences
First Disciples
- Week 1: Say Yes When Jesus Speaks
- Week 2: Never Tell God There's Not Enough
- Week 3: Even Me God Can Use
- Week 4: Talking Comfortably To God
The Relationhsip Code
Core 4
Beyond GPS
- Week 1: Learning To Hear
- Week 2: Learning To Trust
- Week 3: Staying The Course
- Week 4: U-Turns Allowed
The Life Of Paul
- Week 1: Essential Quality of Surrender
- Week 2: Essential Quality Of Grit
- Week 3: The Essential Quality Of Joy
- Week 4: The Essential Quality of Boldness
- Week 5: The Essential Quality of Leadership
- Week 6: The Essential Quality Of Generosity
- Week 7: The Essential Quality Of Discipline
- Week 8: The Essential Quality Of Hope
5 Prayers
- Week 1: The Eternal Prayer
- Week 2: The Restoration Prayer
- Week 3: The Power Prayer
- Week 4: The GPS Prayer
- Week 5: The Healing Prayer
Walking With Jesus
- Week 1: Walking with Jesus' Body
- Week 2: Walking As A Representative of Jesus
- Week 3: Walking In Forgiveness
- Week 4: Walking In Humility
- Week 5: Walking As A Fighter
Growing A Deep Soul
- Week 1: The Promise Of Power
- Week 2: The Promise Of Provision
- Week 3: The Promise Of Presence
- Week 4: The Promise Of Purpose
- Week 5: The Promise Of Protection
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
- Week 1: Deeper With Jesus as Savior
- Week 2: Deeper With Jesus as Lord
- Week 3: Deeper With Jesus as Fully God
- Week 4: Deeper With My Omnipotent Father
- Week 5: Deeper With My Omniscient Father
- Week 6: Deeper With My Omnipresent Father
- Week 7: Deeper With The Holy Spirit Directing Me
- Week 8: Deeper With The Holy Spirit Developing Me
- Week 9: Deeper With The Holy Spirit Developing Me
The Footsteps Of Jesus
- Week 1: The Garden
- Week 2: The Trial
- Week 3: The Crucifixion
Living By The Book
Life Foundations
- Week 1: Knowing My Creator
- Week 2: Acknowledging My Humanity
- Week 3: Understanding My Heritage
- Week 4: Managing My Problems
- Week 5: Following God's Plan
Celebrate christmas
Thriving in God's goodness
- Week 1: Is God Good All The Time?
- Week 2: How To Let God Meet My Needs
- Week 3: How to Relax In God's Goodness
- Week 4: How God's Goodness Can Restore You
- Week 5: How to Be Lead By God's Spirit
- Week 6: The God of My Valleys
- Week 7: How God Treats His Sheep
- Week 8: How God Lifts Me Up When I'm Down
- Week 9: Living An Anointed Life
- Week 10: From Overwhelmed to Overflowing
- Week 11: Why You Don't Have To Fear The Future
- Week 12: Heaven - God's Eternal Goodness To You
Socal Problems
- Week 1: What NOT To Do When I Have Problems
- Week 2: How To Keep My Problems In Perspective
- Week 3: How To Find Peace In The Midst Of My Problems
- Week 4: How To Claim God's Promises For My Problems
- Week 5: How To Talk To God About My Problems
- Week 6: How to Find Purpose In My Problems
- Week 7: How To Persevere Through My Problems
That is a good question
- Week 1: Who Is Jesus Christ?
- Week 2: Are Christians Supposed To Judge?
- Week 3: What I Can Learn From The Prayer Of Jesus?
- Week 4: Why Did God Require Animal Sacrifice?
- Week 5: Are Living In The End Times?
- Week 6: If God Is Good, Why Is There Evil
- Week 7: Can I Really Know The Will Of God?
Good News
- Week 1: I Receive Freely
- Week 2: I Follow Closely
- Week 3: I Commit Completely
- Week 4: I Live Joyfully
- Week 5: I Give Generously
- Week 6: I Hope Confidently
- Week 7: I Love Outrageously
- Week 8: I Share Intentionally
Deeper connection
- Week 1: Deeper Through Pursuit
- Week 2: Deeper Through Pain
- Week 3: Deeper Through Purity
- Week 4: Deeper Through Priority
Beliefs matter
- Week 1: Why Does It Matter What I Believe
- Week 2: How Do I Know What Is True
- Week 3: Where Did We Come From
- Week 4: How Did This World Get So Messed Up
- Week 5: Whats The Solution
- Week 6: How Should I Live In This World
Forward in faith
- Week 1: Faith That Saves
- Week 2: Faith That Shows
- week 3: Faith That Knows
- Week 4: Faith That Grows
- Week 5: Faith That Knows